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Get Involved

Navigation Games brings our PE curriculum, classroom lesson plans, and team-building adventure outings to schools in eastern MA and beyond. Navigation Games provides training, lesson plans, and materials. We need program delivery and administrative support. We will train you for your role. Check out our volunteering options below!

Teach in Schools, After-School Programs and Summer Camps

Current opportunities:​

  • Cambridge elementary school PE orienteering curriculum support, including technical support for the electronic timing systems. Minimum 8 hours per week, mid-February to mid-June

  • Cambridge Director and Assistant Director for our teen internship program: Seven weeks in summer of 2024

Coach a Team

Coach a middle school orienteering team in Cambridge once a week after school for about 6 weeks starting in late March. Navigation Games will provide coach training, practice plans, and materials.

Orienteers in Residence

We host volunteers from abroad at our headquarters in Cambridge, MA. See our orienteers in residence page for more information.

Outreach & Marketing / Fundraising & Grant Writing / Administration

Assist with desk-based administrative support. In-person or virtual work is possible, flexible schedule with no required number of minimum hours.

  • Outreach & Marketing may include communicating with clients (school districts, after-school programs, Parks & Rec departments), designing marketing collateral, writing blog posts, advertising events 

  • Fundraising & grant-writing support

  • Admin support includes maintaining, repairing and organizing equipment used for orienteering (maps, checkpoints, computers etc.)

Map-Making and Course Design

Help us make maps and design courses and activities! We use Purple Pen, SportIdent, Easygec, Open Orienteering Mapper and OCAD. We will train you.

Java Programming

Help us update our orienteering electronic timing results software.

  • Modify an existing body of code to improve the user interface and allow us to summarize student progress for teachers, as well as to accommodate new types of games.

  • Update the code to work with the latest JDK and set up a development cycle including CI/CD for deployment.

  • Leave documentation for future developers.

Required skills: java, Eclipse or IntelliJ, github, understanding of structure and deployment of a java application. We estimate a time commitment of 40-80 hours total over a 3 month period.

All Navigation Games staff and volunteers who work with children must pass a CORI criminal background check and take the SafeSport online training. Some positions have additional requirements.

Volunteer with Us!

To get started, please fill out this form.

Volunteer Form
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