Students use images of the space to find checkpoints throughout the area.
Spatial awareness
Blank Paper
Printouts/Maps of Space:
Street view
Aerial Image​
Students will use images of the space taken from different angles in order to find hidden objects. Students should pay special attention to identifying what part of the space is shown in each image as they play. The goal is to be able to identify the location of the object in real life by looking at the picture and understanding how it matches the surrounding environment.
Tic-Tac-Toe Relay: Students break into two team (or any even number of teams) and race back and forth to play tic-tac-toe. Each team has three objects, and races to place them into a 3x3 grid and connect 3-in-a-row. If all three objects for each team have been placed, but neither team has achieved 3-in-a-row, then the next runner will pick up and move one of their own team's objects currently in the grid.
Map Progression - Students will use images of the space taken from different angles to hide and locate objects. They should start with images taken from eye-level, and move to images taken from a high angle as they progress. The rest of the game proceeds very much like partner treasure hunts, only the students will use the provided images instead of making their own.
What was challenging about relating the image to real life? What was easy?
Was it challenging to use the street photo to find the objects? What makes using a street photo difficult?
Was it challenging to use the aerial image to find the objects? What makes using an aerial image difficult?
What are the advantages to using each kind of image? Is one better than the other? Why?
For some students, this may actually be very challenging, especially when moving on to images from higher angles. It is very important to take the time to explain how the photos match real life (point out specific objects), and show them how everything still matches up even when the angle changes. You can also suggest the students think like a bird when using the high angle images, which encourages them to visualize the space from an unfamiliar perspective.