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Students use maps and images to match checkpoints marked on one map or image to the other. 


  • Precision map reading

  • Map simplification

  • Speed

  • Agility

  • Patience

  • Focus

  • Communication 


  • Maps

    • Marked with 10-15 checkpoint

    • Unmarked

  • Satellite Images

    • Marked with 10-15 checkpoint

    • Unmarked

  • Pencils

  • Open space

  • OPTIONAL (If outside):

    • Clipboards

    • Paper weights​


Orienteers relate a map to real life. This lesson is designed to practice the relationship between a map and the space it represents. The purpose is to be able to identify the relationship between an image of the space and the space itself, and to prioritize accuracy over speed.


(Active) Simon Says - A game of Simon Says with all the normal rules, expect the actions you ask the students to do are much more active. For example, "Simon says jump up and down. Simon says lie on your stomach. Simon says run to that wall." The more the kids move around, the better.


Spot-the-Difference: Students compare two maps or pictures that are mostly the same, but have slight differences between them, such as an object missing, or having two objects on one when there are three on the other.


Symbol Memory Relay - Students use a map and an aerial image of an area to match checkpoints from one to the other. 


  • How did you memorize the checkpoints? What features did you use? Did some work better than others?

  • How did your team ensure each person was memorizing a new checkpoint each time, and not repeating one by accident?

  • What was the hardest part about memorizing each checkpoint?

  • If you made any mistakes, or forgot where your checkpoint was supposed to go, when do you think the gap in your memory occurred? Was it immediately after leaving the marked map, in-between the maps, or when you went to mark the checkpoint on your own map?

  • What strategies can you use to keep from forgetting the checkpoint's location moving from one map to another?


Partner Treasure Hunt (Map): Students work in pairs to hide and find treasures. Both students work together to sketch a map of the space, and then one student hides an object and marks it on the map. The other student uses the map to find the object, and then the students switch roles.


This activity will be very challenging at first. It is important to emphasize that the purpose of this activity is accuracy more than speed. A team that finishes last but gets everything right will score higher than a team that finishes first but makes just two mistakes. The goal should be for each team to get at least 3/4 of the the checkpoints correct.

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